The travel industry continues to undergo its biggest crisis in modern history—a worldwide pandemic of epic proportions that has paralyzed global mobility for more than two years.

What was tried and true prior to the pandemic is now contestable. Consumer preferences are changing.

In particular, we have witnessed the rise of new working paradigms, ones that require less travel in a more digitized world.

Overall, the face of the industry is shifting in unforeseen ways.

Travel and Mobility Tech is maturing

The Travel and Mobility Tech industry has not only entered a new travel era as a result of the global pandemic, but it is also maturing.

Many of the most prominent Travel and Mobility Tech startups of the past decade are no longer startups. These companies have grown large enough to employ hundreds, sometimes thousands, of employees, expanding across the globe and becoming successful enough to bid private capital markets adieu.

This is the maturing character of the industry we’re talking about.

  • 2021, for example, saw more Travel and Mobility Tech players go public than ever before.
  • These startups-turned-public-players are competing in an open market and must convince venture funds and retail investors alike that their proposition is viable.

Expanding our research focus

With all this in mind, we believe it is high time to expand our TNMT research focus beyond startups. From early January 2022 on, we began observing how these publicly traded tech companies perform and how they continue to innovate Travel and Mobility Tech.

Long story short: Global crises, such as the COVID-19 pandemic, are opportunities for structural re-distribution and leapfrogging.

So, what better time is there to hit “reset” than now?

We decided to start tracking the industry from the starting point of a new era of travel.

The TNMT Market Index: A new pulse check for our industry

To best track leading Travel and Mobility Tech players, we created the TNMT Market Index.

This market index is the first of its kind to represent category leaders in the Travel and Mobility Tech space. In particular, the TNMT Market Index is designed to provide insights into the tech ecosystem from a public market perspective.

We will update the market index on a bi-weekly basis, allowing you to track the market movements of key industry players. In turn, you can decode major industry events and their impacts on investor sentiments.

If you would like more information on our exact index methodology, please scroll to the bottom.

For insights into what these market movements mean, sign up for the TNMT newsletter. We will contextualize the latest news, providing you with the explanations and drivers behind the stock market fluctuations and key market trends.

Details on the methodology

Thank you for staying with us until the end. If you made it this far, we are excited to share some of the nitty-gritty of how we constructed the TNMT Market Index with you.

You might have noticed already. We’re portraying the TNMT Market Index based on an equal-weighted methodology. This is based on price change and the index is weighted equally across the basket of stocks included. This means that every company impacts the index in an equal manner.

Finally, for a better understanding of how the TNMT Market Index compares to the “broader market”, we’re including a typical stock market index, the S&P 500 (a cap-weighted index), as a benchmark.

You might be confused as to how we display the S&P 500. Please keep in mind, that we have indexed the S&P 500 to 100 in tandem with the start date of our TNMT Market Index on January 4, 2022.

This content is for informational purposes only and should not be used as investment advice.

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