Three of the biggest bets and most promising companies in Travel & Mobility Tech stopped by for our panel at this year’s DLD 2020 Conference – Europe’s leading innovation conference for visionaries from around the globe.
Check out the video below and listen to me (Lennart Dobravsky), Frederic Lalonde (CEO of Hopper), Ariel Cohen (CEO of TripActions), Julian Weselek (CEO of Tourlane), and Alexandra Schiel (Head of Content at DLD) talk about the current state of digital innovation in the Travel & Mobility Tech space.
Here is what you will learn:
- 00:45 What digital innovation has done for mobility
- 01:30 The digital category leaders in New Transportation
- 02:20 What digital innovation has done for travel
- 03:20 Why airlines need to look beyond flying
- 04:40 Some numbers on the Travel & Mobility Tech startup ecosystem
- 05:45 The most valuable companies in Travel & Mobility Tech
- 07:40 What Tourlane does
- 08:20 What differentiates Tourlane from others
- 09:15 The exhausting experience of booking travel online today
- 11:30 The scalability of the Tourlane model
- 12:45 What Hopper does?
- 13.30 What differentiates Hopper from others and how much data they process
- 14:30 Hopper’s impressive download and engagement figures
- 15:30 How AI is being used at Hopper
- 16:45 Where all of Hopper’s data come from
- 18:00 Whether Hopper is destroying the revenue model of airlines
- 20:00 What TripActions does
- 22:00 How the (travel) shopping experience will change in the future
- 24:30 Why there only so few specialist players in the business travel segment
- 26:00 Why most of VC dollars in Travel & Mobility Tech go to Asia
- 27:40 The beauty of the Berlin startup ecosystem
- 30:00 The (un-) attractiveness of the travel industry from an investor perspective
- 31:00 The challenge of entering a consolidating industry as a startup
- 32:30 When we can expect Tourlane and Hopper to become unicorns
- 33:50 Whether we are still allowed to travel in times of growing sustainability concerns
- 34:45 What Tourlane does to address rising sustainability concerns
- 36:15 How Hopper is calling out the travel industry to do more
- 39:00 How TripActions incentives business travelers and companies to travel greener
- 41:00 What travel might look like in 10 years